An idea that turned into something big

Fabrikk Jørnolje Liggende

Nutrimar was founded in 2006 to contribute to a more sustainable marine industry. The base was on the hardy and enterprising Frøya. Watch the film in which founder Gustav Witzøe and our employees talk about the adventurous growth and the great opportunity that lies ahead of us.

Local raw materials for a sustainable feed

Tare Liggende

The government set itself the goal in the Hurdal platform that all feed for Norwegian animals and fish must be 100 percent sustainable by 2030. Then we must think short-term, new and sustainable, and utilize the resources we already have available here at home.

Salmon that eat salmon are more environmentally friendly

Stock Oppdrett Liggende

Nutrition scholarship holder Ingrid Sandbakken at Nutrimar has proven through thorough research that salmon grow well and get better health by being fed their own proteins. This shatters an old myth in aquaculture and provides a unique opportunity for a circular value chain in salmon production.

We invest in ever better technology

Fabrikk Natt Liggende

Our position as a producer of premium marine ingredients is strong. What used to be waste from farming is now valuable raw material that we receive at our biorefinery in the Nordskaget. This requires good production facilities and sustainable technology.